Cannabis, also called marijuana, weed and pot, is a drug that comes from a plant with common strains that include Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica.

In Ontario, about 1 in 5 students (or 19%) in grades 7-12 say they used cannabis at least once in the past year (CAMH, 2018). 

To learn more about cannabis and its effects on youth, check out the 'Youth Specific Effects of Early Cannabis Use' video developed by the University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy.


Below are some resources that can help you start a conversation with your parents, peers, family member, child or students about cannabis.

At Home

  • Canada's Lower Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines for Youth. This document contains youth-specific information on reducing the risks associated with cannabis use.
  • Adverse Effects of Early Cannabis Use. Developed by University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy this infographic provides information about unique health risks to those under the age of 25. 
  • Canada’s Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines. This document contains recommendations to reduce the risk of the harmful effects of cannabis.
  • Cannabis: What Parents/Guardians and Caregivers need to know - CAMH. This factsheet is for parents/guardians of youth in Grades 4-6. It provides information on cannabis, legalization, risks, signs of a problem, and how to help your child.
  • Pure Rush: Online Drug Education Game  - This is an education game offered online and as a mobile app. Players must race through a classic side-rolling runner to get to a music festival before tickets sell out. Avoiding drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy, hallucinogens, and methamphetamine is the key to success. Players will gain a general knowledge of drugs and their effects.
  • Responsibility Grows Here - A modern youth-friendly website out of Colorado, post-legalization. Describes the health effects of marijuana use in youth, responsible behaviour and delaying use. Also provides tips for parents who are concerned about cannabis use.
  • The OOPS infographic  developed by the University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy provides tips to avoid accidental cannabis poisoning in children.
  • The Risks of Cannabis on Fertility, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Parenting resource from Best Start is for women and men who are thinking about becoming parents, are pregnant or who are new parents. It provides information about the effects of cannabis.  

At School

  • Cannabis Toolkits for Educators of Youth in Grades 7-12 (developed by Region of Waterloo Public Health, 2019). This Kit has been developed for educators to use in the classroom to educate youth on the health effects of cannabis while understanding safer use guidelines. This kit includes a collection of lessons, games and activities to help start discussions about cannabis use.
  • Cannabis Information for Educators, 2018 (Government of Ontario). As Ontario prepares for legalization of cannabis, this fact sheet provides information about rules for minimum age, current rules for Ontario schools, and questions and answers about mental health and addictions.
  • Heads Up About Drugs - This is a free American resource with printable activities, fact sheets and lesson plans. Cannabis-specific content is available, including the myths and science of marijuana. Content is broken down by age/grade.
  • Adverse Effects of Early Cannabis Use. Developed by University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy this infographic provides information about unique health risks to those under the age of 25.
  • Let’s Talk Cannabis - Resources to help create a healthy dialogue about cannabis and the recent legalization.
  • The Little  Known Effects of Marijuana - From the Harvard Kennedy School, this resource provides a summary of what is known about marijuana and provides the academic and scientific literature to back it up.
  • Canada's Lower Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines for Youth. This document contains youth-specific information on reducing the risks associated with cannabis use.

Visit our Safer Drug Use page on Cannabis, Region of Waterloo Public Health's Cannabis Page and the University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy's Cannabis Resource Page for more information. 

For information on Cannabis and driving see 'Cannabis and Driving - Start the Conversation' (Region of Waterloo Public Health) or 'Don't Drive High' (Government of Canada) and The High Way Home (a new interactive website that allows young people to make virtual choices about impaired driving).

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